Designing and Conducting Open and Reproducible Experiments and Research in Linguistics

Author: Paul Stott

Two students sitting and chatting next to a large map of the World

About the project

The project aims to introduce PGT and PGR students to open and reproducible research practices within Linguistics. Participants will learn about the core principles of open and reproducible research and how these are applied in Linguistics. They will learn how to design an open and reproducible project from the ground up, including: how to make best use of pre-registration via, how to use GitHub to share data and code, how to use R to tidy, wrangle and visualise data, how to use R packages to run Linear Mixed Effects Models (LMMs).

By training current PGTs and PGRs, we hope to increase their awareness of the importance of open and reproducible research practices and encourage them to adopt these practices in their own research. 

What the Accelerator Fund provided

The Accelerator Fund has allowed us to pay an instructor to run the three-day course and has allowed us to provide some catering for participants.

How to find out more

See Paul's website and the Psycholinguistics Lab website.