Researchers looking at data on a computer screen

Responsible sharing

The University is committed to creating a more open research environment.

At the same time it is important to ensure that you are aware of any legal, ethical or commercial factors when considering how much of your research workflow you can make openly available. There are are many places to go for advice.

Information Governance

You may handle a wide variety of information throughout the research lifecycle. Information Governance can help ensure that you make your information as open and transparent as possible whilst ensuring the University’s legal and statutory compliance.

Research governance, ethics and integrity

Open Research practices have the potential to reduce the chance of research misconduct occurring. The Research Governance, Ethics and Integrity Team provide guidance and support to researchers in the area of research governance, integrity and ethics.

Export Control

In order to safeguard ourselves and the work we do, and to mitigate any threats to national security, we must comply with Government legislation and its rules governing the transfer of certain items from the UK. The Export Controls Compliance team will support you in determining whether an application for a licence is required for your research.

University of Manchester Innovation Factory

The intellectual property created through your research may have the potential to be commercialised. The Innovation Factory works with academic and student inventors to identify research that has the potential to create commercial value.